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Traitement Capillaire : PRP Cheveux

Several hormonal, environmental or genetic factors cause hair loss in many people. In order to overcome this problem, we offer the My Laser hair treatment which, using the PRP technique, an injection of platelet-rich plasma, allows you to regenerate your hair cells, for new, stronger and healthier hair!

What is GWP?

PRP is the plasma and platelets in your blood. These make it possible to boost hair growth by causing cell regeneration. In this way, the stem cells in the hair follicles of the scalp are stimulated by the injection of platelet growth factors.
PRP treatment is known to be very effective for people with :

  • Suffering from mild to moderate alopecia,
  • Having thinning or partially bald hair,
  • Wishing to make their hair thicker, denser,
  • Wishing to prevent baldness,
  • Having, a hair loss following a pregnancy,

Comment se déroule une séance de PRP cheveux ?

The treatment takes 30 minutes - the nurse takes a blood sample, which is then centrifuged to separate the plasma and platelets from the other components of your blood. Once the separation is complete, the doctor injects the PRP directly into the scalp at several points using very fine needles.
The injections are painless, but an anaesthetic cream can be applied for maximum comfort. There is no social exclusion and you can resume your activities immediately afterwards. You may experience some bruising and redness at the injection site. These reactions are completely normal and will disappear after a few hours.

Quels sont les résultats du prp ?

The hair loss is stopped and the density is increased one month after the first injection. Cellular regeneration starts after the second and third session. The hair grows back six months after the first session, which corresponds to the hair cycle.

Quels peuvent être les effets secondaires du prp ?

The after-effects are fairly simple and consist essentially of some redness and temporary swelling accompanied by slight pain. All of this subsides in less than 24 hours.
There are no other side effects to report and no allergies or rejections as this is an autologous product, i.e. a component of your own body.

Quels sont les contre-indications prp ?

The patient must not have any of the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy/breastfeeding,
  • an autoimmune disease,
  • diabetes,
  • skin inflammation, blood disease,
  • cancer, under anticoagulant or antiaggregant treatment,
  • under treatment that alters the healing process.

A quel prix prp cheveux ?

1 session - 2500 MAD

3 sessions - 6000 MAD

5 sessions (including one free session) - 8000 MAD

The testimonies
of our patients!

Our patients tell you about their experience at My Laser. Like them, take the plunge and come and meet us in our various salons in France.

Je suis très contente d’avoir confié mon épilation au laser à My laser. L’endroit est agréable, moderne, hyper propre.
L’accueil est de qualité et on a réponse à nos questions, on sent le professionnalisme.
La demoiselle qui s’est occupée de moi est agréable, minutieuse et elle inspire confiance. Elle prend toutes les précautions d’hygiène : masque, gants, lunettes de protection, elle nettoie bien la peau puis applique une crème par la suite.
L’appareil est le meilleur du marché et au bout de quelques séances ma pilosité a nettement diminué.
Je recommande +++

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Amale Abderahim
Patiente My Laser Casablanca

Bonjour tt le monde c’est ma deuxième séance avec le centre et j’ai déjà eu de très bons résultats dès la première séance! Je ss vraiment satisfaite…l’équipe est professionnelle avec un accueil chaleureux et le welcome drink est toujours au rendez-vous! Alors n’hésitez pas les filles à vous y rendre! Vous ne le regretterez jamais!

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wafaa lam-addeb,
Patiente My Laser Casablanca

Un grand merci au Docteur qui a été d’une douceur et d’une gentillesse remarquable. Il a su répondre à mes attentes et me rassurer.

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Ines Hamour
Patiente My Laser Casablanca

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